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It’s hard to know what’s real today. Real is hard to find.

That's why phoodmoose is here. To help you find the REAL out there.

Healthy, tasty, REAL... phood.

Apr 15, 2019

we've been talking about things in health and beauty that make us sad... it's FINALLY time to talk about things we LOVE!  


Savvy Minerals by Young Living*


Primal Life Organics*



Apr 8, 2019

patti's new health coach proves that how you think affects how you reach your goals.  some minor changes in vocab, along with some major changes to the internal dialog can really move you forward.

Show Notes:



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Apr 1, 2019

Also... h broke her glasses, saw the movie "us", p's birthday, h's anniversary dinner w/ the guy who doesn't fully understand silverware.  It's a party!!


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