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It’s hard to know what’s real today. Real is hard to find.

That's why phoodmoose is here. To help you find the REAL out there.

Healthy, tasty, REAL... phood.

Mar 25, 2019

let's talk about skin, baby... and what you do NOT want on/in it!

Just because it’s on the shelf at the store, even a “health food” store, doesn’t mean it’s safe, healthy or REAL.


Show Notes:

Chemicals That Should Disappear from Cosmetics

Stink Movie

Urinary Paraben Concentrations and Ovarian Aging among...

Mar 18, 2019

h recaps her recent concussion (glad we can laugh about it now) and gives us an update on her progress with the auto-immune protocol (AIP).




Mar 11, 2019

did you make an intention for 2019? if so, what's your word?


Use our link to get $5 off your order enter coupon code MEL for another 20% off.


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Mar 4, 2019

we know we've been beating this dead horse lately, but running does not make you healthy.  it spikes your cortisol and ruins your joints (just ask anyone who's ever been in the military!)  

instead... get healthy by FIRST, squaring away your diet and walking, THEN introduce a couple of high intensity interval training...